Medievil-Music Mooger by Medievil-Music

License: Custom License - 100 % Free to download - Free of charge . Note : Only Renoise admins and creators\programmers have the rights to attach-include it in other Renoiss|Redux copies or versions as a builtin instrument \or in any further update packs . {Selling - modifying or manipulating samples [also renaming presets or reselling the sounds or hits as one shoted] is restrictly forbidden} {The samples and instrument contains a unique tone that can be discovered in any other modified versions , do not sell free stuff } Use it wise. Majed Salih 2017 - Russia

Hello all . This is my 1st instrument posted here in this forum!

Can be used as a Renoise instrument \ or a Redux one in other daws and platforms


A full functioned HQ moog machine by Majed Salih 2017


Crystal quality treatment makes this instrument one of my unique ones .Use it wise !




Use it in IDM *[recommended bass sound]


<<< Chek the demo out <<<


Do not forget to test it in cars XP